Spring Cleaning/Tips & Tricks

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Spring Cleaning/Tips & Tricks

Spring is coming! We are all excited that winter is finally coming to an end, and when it does, will you be ready for everything that comes with that? Here at Padda Home Improvements Inc, our General Contractors are ready to help and advise our customers on what's best for them and we are always ready to help! Here, We’ll give you 4 tips and tricks on how you can get ready for spring!

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Replace Furnace and HVAC Filters

One of the most critical and underappreciated aspects of spring cleaning is replacing furnace and HVAC filters. Indeed, changing a conventional filter with a more durable one with a high MERV rating will help you stay healthy as spring approaches. Smaller, irritating particles will be caught. During the winter, dust collects in the ductwork of your air conditioner, but improved filters trap these particles and prevent them from entering your home. It's a low-cost solution to ensure that you're inhaling clean, healthful air.


Severe Allergies?

All of the winter dust on furniture and fixtures will most likely be disturbed by cleaning. If you have allergies or use a lot of cleaning products, make sure to read the labels. Wear rubber gloves, masks, scarves, and even hairnets for safe spring cleaning. Skin irritations and allergic responses can be avoided by wearing protective garments. Another very useful tip to avoid allergies is to get a good dehumidifier or a HEPA Air Purifier. This will help clean and purify your air.


Redo Your Caulking & Grout

A lot of people overlook this, redoing your grout and your caulking is very important. Caulking in your bathroom and kitchen is very simple to redo. Caulking is also very simple to do too. Caulking around faucets, ceiling fixtures, water pipes, drains, bathtubs, and other plumbing fixtures may prevent water damage both inside and outside of the property, in addition to sealing air leaks. Grout comes with a slew of advantages: It provides a clean, completed look to your floor or wall. It keeps dirt and debris out of between and beneath your tiles. It gives the tile installation more stiffness and strength, redoing this fortifies all of this and gives it a clean sleek finish again.


Clean the Outside of Your House

Many people tend to let the outside of their house be the same from winter all the way to spring. This could cause your house to wear down faster. One tip to prevent this is to clean your yard, gutters, and pressure wash your driveway. Very simple and easy. Get ready for Spring!